
Diablo 3 2.2 witch doctor
Diablo 3 2.2 witch doctor

diablo 3 2.2 witch doctor

Tested myself getting hit by the zombie with nothing on but my shield (571 Armor). Lvl: 48 | Str: 55 | Dex: 55 | Int: 151 | Vit: 840 | Armor: 1368 (36.31% DR) | Dodge: 5.5% | Physical Resistance: 15 (5.92%) | No shieldĢ.5 Intelligence Test (Intelligence increases Physical Resistance.) Instead of the gargantuan, my dog is used, now that it has more health at level 48.

diablo 3 2.2 witch doctor

So if I test Strength, it will be the only stat that has a high value, and the rest of the stats will be at base values unless otherwise specified.ĭR = The percentage of damage reduction from either armor or physical reduction.Ģ.2 Strength Test (Strength increases armor)

diablo 3 2.2 witch doctor

I try to use gear that has only one stat, strength/dexterity/vitality/Intelligence. I am testing my pets against a Walking Corpse (fat zombie) in nightmare mode, Act 1. Please feel free to critique my testing if you feel it is not accurate enough and I will try to do further testing once I have enough gold to spend. Please share your findings as well, to support or contradict my results. I’ve done some research on which stats scale with pets. Testimonials Supporting Viability of Pets in Hell and Inferno Pet Offense Test Results (work in progress)Ħ. Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Pet Stats Scaling Guide by Peterģ.

Diablo 3 2.2 witch doctor